Adidas surprised Twitter fans on Wednesday by posting a snapshot of 25 different pairs of naked breasts, all of varying sizes, shapes, and colors. The corporation stated it was for a worthy cause, despite some unfavorable feedback in the comment section.
“We believe women’s breasts in all shapes and sizes deserve support and comfort. This is why our new sports bra range contains 43 styles, so everyone can find the right fit for them,” Adidas said in the tweet.
Users were divided on the issue, with some applauding the decision, and others expressing their displeasure.
A Father of two shared his displeasure over Adidas’s move saying- “As a father of two daughters that played sports, this is way overdue. Thank you. A lot of girls give up sports because they can’t find the right fit to stay comfortable,” one user shared.
“@adidas u guys can market ur new sports bras or products without the nudity, this isn’t how body positivity is promoted,” another tweeted. “For crying out loud Twitter is a public platform that’s also accessible to a lot of underaged kids, a tweet like this can corrupt someone. Do better.” Another user tweeted.
As the company highlighted in a tweet, the volunteers in the photo “were fantastic and daring,” and it adhered to all social media guidelines. Uncensored images were posted on Twitter, the company’s website, as well as on the billboard by the company itself.
There are no nudity standards on Twitter, as AdWeek reminds out. On the contrary, the company’s terms of service advise users “should only contribute Information that you are willing and comfortable to share with others.”
Terms of service for Twitter read: “You acknowledge and accept the risk that by using [Twitter], you might be introduced to information that may be harmful, incorrect or otherwise improper, or in certain circumstances, posts that have been misidentified or otherwise misleading.”
Nexstar reached out to Twitter for comment, but the company did not answer right away. Almost 90% of women are putting on the wrong bra size according to Adidas.
Senior Director Product at Adidas Amy Charlton commented that Sports bra development has a significant lack of data, which is why we collaborated with specialists in breast health including biomechanics at the University of Portsmouth to push ourselves and move forward our innovation.
Mainstream businesses like Victoria’s Secret have undergone a redesign to become more inclusive in light of the increasing popularity of the body positivity campaign. For the first time in the company’s history, it has replaced its famed Angels with athletes, actresses, and activists, including the LGBT beauty Valentina Sampaio.
Adidas is promoting a new range of bras that will be available on February 14.